
Showing posts from September, 2017

What It Is That We Do

A biodynamic craniosacral session infused with acupuncture point "laser touch" for resolving life's traumas and igniting your sparkling eyes and glow known as "shen" in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Yes we have the long-awaited, miraculous Natural Facial Rejuvenation training and far from superficial this session relies on profound shifts known as shock and trauma resolution informed by somatic resourcing.  Based on your personal client intake time and initial treatment plan, Sea utilizes reflexology and polarity therapy with by biodynamic craniosacral to facilitate the subtle resolution of shock and trauma (no matter how long ago) and supports reregulation of a stressed nervous system. Overworked adrenals receive permission to rest. The client's inherent treatment plan can take shape. Imagine what some call angel's touch on your aching neck! Imagine you can feel the tension moving out for a difference like night and day... Moments of deep pres